Following the earth-shattering news that the University of Southampton has fallen from 14th to 18th in the Times Higher Education’s Student Satisfactory survey rankings, SUSU is launching the ‘Change One Thing’ campaign in an attempt to satisfy us.

SUSU AGM 2015The campaign means you have until April 27th to click here, and make a suggestion of one thing you want to change to do with SUSU, the University of Southampton or, as SUSU makes clear, the world.

(SUSU: making the world a better place since 2k15).

Make a Change

All of the submitted ideas will be posted online for anyone to rank them in terms of popularity. The most popular suggestions will be written up in to realistic proposals by the people who suggested them.

Students will then be able to vote on each proposal as to whether or not it should be put into action.

We asked some students what they would suggest to change.

Zainab Shah, a first year Sociology student, wishes for an ideal nightclub:

We had an actually good student nightclub on campus that was cheap like Jesters and not as formal as The Cube. 

A student club on campus is something that SUSU has tried before, but has ultimately not proven popular with students. Could the new Sabbs make it a success and remove the bad taste of Pulse nights from our mouths?

Benjamin Lowrie, a second year English student has two suggestions for change:

If I could change ONE thing I’d ban pints in plastic cups, they spill easier and I’m a clumsy man, OR I’d limit Sabbs to one year terms, but mostly the cups annoy me.

We all feel your pain with those plastic cups Ben! Maybe some hard plastic cups like those of Jesters may be the way forward?

Seb Humphreys, a second year student, suggests lowering on-campus food prices:

I’d lower the prices of lunches and food, especially in Avenue cafe, £5 for a lunch meal?

Rory Mcgurk, a second year Politics student, is standing up for those of you that drive in Southampton:

There is no where to easily park on campus. I think the parking permits should be cheaper, or there should be some form of student car park. 

We also asked Charlotte Dempsey, a second year history student, what she would change, and she suggested something that pisses us all offf:

I’d get rid of the stupid charges on cards in the SUSU shop and the Stag’s.

We all hate that moment when the SUSU shop cashier reminds us of the extra 15p we’re going to lose for buying lunch on card.

Joanne, another student at the University, believes that SUSU aren’t involved enough in the first place:

I wish SUSU made more of an effort to show exactly what they do. I feel like only people working inside SUSU have any clue what’s going on with it.

Our very own, newly elected SUSU President for 2015-2016, Ben Franklin, has his own great idea:

On a more serious note, he also told us:

I’ve been spending time with David discussing ideas we can implement over the transitional period, and I can’t wait to see what the students who put us here want to see us do too.

Can you think of any suggestions of things to change? If so, you can submit it here.

The SUSU AGM is on May 13th at The Bridge, see the event .

Do you think this campaign will make a noticeable change around the university? Let us know down in the comments section below.


Leave your response!

  • More News

    Oh for god sake let the night club go. How many generations of sabbs must we have try before we can admit its a write-off.


  • Milibanter

    definitely agree with the card charges, what kind of shop has card charges these days?! I literally can think of no others. Nothing like getting needlessly mugged off by your own union.


    Millicent Bystander

    There are two cash machines ffs! Just because you can’t be bothered to queue for cash, and would rather hold up the queue in the shop/stag’s/bridge doesn’t mean that you’re being “mugged off”!


    Such an idiot

    SUSU pays a small fee for every card transaction processed, so the choice is either to subsidise it (read: take money away from all of us because you couldn’t be bothered to get cash out) or charge the people actually using the marginally more convenient service.

    Besides, I’d hardly call a 15p transaction charge being “mugged off”; frankly if you really can’t afford it you shouldn’t be buying your lunch on campus in the first place. Make a packed lunch.


  • Jemima Puddle-Duck

    “I can’t wait to see what the students who put us here want to see us do too”

    Wow, he’s already started to sound like one of them. So much for a breath of fresh air!


  • Beb Bumbreys

    Seb Humphreys obviously yet to discover that Avenue café is run by the university, not the union.
