With the endless posters, markers on T-shirts and Facebook spam of elections, here at the Soton Tab we thought you might want to get to know your candidates a little better. Cue the Engagement ladies, Hannah Talbot and Jenny Bortoluzzi, whose main mission is to get you…engaged.
What made you want to run for a Sabb position?
Hannah: There are some fundamental flaws that need addressing and I know I can help fix them. I wanted to give the student union back to the students. We’re a university that promotes being there for the student voice, but I think that’s kind of got lost a bit. To remind students how important it is to engage with their student union ie. In terms of transferable skills and experience for their future.
Jenny: I’ve been involved in the Engagement zone for a while now through my positions with RAG – this year in particular when I’ve been RAG Officer, sitting on External Engagement Zone and Union Council. It’s given me an insight on how the zone and the Union works, which means that I’ve also experienced where the weak areas are. I want to have my own chance to change things for the better, and at being the best I can in a role that is so important for supporting and communicating with student and groups.

Rag swag. Jenny looking mousDASHING.
What’s your favorite point in your manifesto?
Hannah: My favorite part/s are: Improved relationships and swifter, more accessible (ie email and social media) communication between the Student Union, the Sabbs, the student body and societies. Included in this is the importance for students to regularly see more of what Sabbs are working on and to see that their views are being listened to. It’s so important for students to trust their Sabbs.
Jenny: Well the whole recognition of students’ achievements and talents is one that is particularly close to my heart. But the Pair Up scheme for students who want to build their own businesses to be mentored by local business owners is one I’m very keen on working on. In general, improved collaboration was something I tried to do as RAG Officer and would like to keep on pushing!
What do you say to people who say Sabbs ‘do nothing’?
Hannah: “Why do you think this?”, “How do you want to see it improved?” and “vote #vphannahtime for something to be done”.
Jenny: I understand why people could feel that way, I’ve been disappointed by Sabbs in the past myself. I think it’s time we started holding them to account and for people to tell them when they don’t think they’re doing their job properly or not being the supporting officer they are meant to be. This is why one of my manifesto points is to make it easier for students to contact their Sabbs, whether it’s to chat about an idea they’ve had or a problem they’ve encountered.

Love seeing the High School Music jump making a come back

Wonder if this is relating to Jenny’s secret archery skills?
Snog marry avoid, David Cameron, Ed Miliband and Nigel Farage?
Hannah: The Green Party have asked me not to answer the question as they feel it’s unfair that they weren’t included.
Jenny: Can I avoid all of them please?
Who is your dream dinner date?
Hannah: Louis Cole (YouTuber). He travels, goes on incredible adventures, does amazing things for charity and just seems like a really likeable, fun guy.
Jenny: My two best friends from France, I don’t see them often and really miss them!
If you could add three things to The Bridge Menu then what would they be?
Hannah: Cream tea and scones, Fajitas, Tacos and dips.
Jenny: Cheesy chips, duck pancakes and I’d like to see last week’s special, the deep fried brie, on there permanently!
Is there anything about being a Sabb you’re not looking forward to?
Hannah: Not really because Engagement is an area I’m super enthusiastic about!
Jenny: Hmm… paying council tax!
What do you think is currently the weakest area of SUSU?
Hannah: Engagement, hence why I’m keen to take it up. I know I have the ideas and enthusiasm to bring it back together. Plus, fixing things is fun!
Jenny: I think SUSU’s weakest area is letting people know what SUSU actually is and what they do!
What part of the elections timeline are you least looking forward to?
Hannah: 4pm-8pm on Friday 13th March. When we wait to hear results.
Jenny: The length! I’m not sure how it’s going to work out but I do think I’m going to sleep for a week after it! Oh and the annual Sabb gunging in #theBigGive if I get elected…
If there is one thing you want to be remembered for during the elections, what would it be?
Hannah: My funky trousers!
Jenny: Originality, I won’t reveal too much but I’m quite looking forward to seeing people’s reactions to some aspects of my campaign.

Credit where credit is due, those trousers are pretty cool
What do you think about our engagement candidates? Comment below
From reading this it sounds more like Hannah would be more suited for VP Education…