It’s results day tomorrow!
Your semester one results will be sent to your SUSSED email address on Thursday 19th of February.
We’d like to be more specific but all we know is that they’ll be released at some point in the morning according to this SUSU blog.
They will also be made available after 12pm (noon) on the 19th through SUSSED, in the ‘Student Record’ section.
The emailed results are a response to difficulties in the past making results available online, hopefully avoiding issues with server crashes and disappointed students this year.
However, last year the same system of mark distribution failed, leaving another wave of anxious students waiting a few more painful hours for their results.
If you’re considering appealing your results, SUSU have also recommended the Advice Centre (Building 40, Highfield Campus) for “free, independent, confidential advice and representation in a friendly, relaxed environment”. You can read their Guide to Appeals here.
Will they mess it up again? Do you care about your results coming late? Let us know in the comments.
We have to wait about a month anyway, I don’t think a few hours extra will cause any serious problems..
Best thing about graduation everyone, not having to deal with the perpetual incompetence of iSolutions. Each time, they fail in spectacular ways. My favourite: sending out the wrong results in Summer 2013. Shambolic.