We talk a lot about Gold Cards at the Soton Tab, here’s why.
Freshers, first things first. I’m sure some of you are wondering what on Earth this elusive Gold Card that we speak so fondly of is. Well, I assume you’ve all been acquainted with The Palace of Dreams by now. A Jesters Gold Card is a rectangular piece of plastic that will revolutionise your university life. Once you are the proud owner of this precious item you are entitled to free entry and queue jump (for two) Tuesday-Sunday at Jesters.
“But how do we get our hands on this piece of plastic perfection?” I hear you screaming at your computer screen. Well, there are two ways. Firstly, you can go to Jesters six nights in a row (Monday-Saturday), arriving before 10:30pm and leaving after 1am signing in and out every time (although I’ve never known someone do this). Alternatively, you can attend one of Jesters events and spend 12 hours in the Palace. However these events don’t come around often, and usually tend to take place towards the end of the academic year…
But NEVER FEAR, you have one LAST chance to get your greasy paws on a 2014-2015 Gold Card and it comes in the form of JESTFEST!
JESTFEST takes place THIS Sunday 28th September. There will be live music and drinks for sale all day. All you have to do is spend 12 hours in Jesters. 1:15pm-1:15am. Simple. We’ve written some top tips for surviving a Gold Card Challenge here. You can thank us later.
For more info on JESTFEST click .
Just in case you haven’t been persuaded yet, here are five reasons why you NEED a Gold Card in your life:
1) You will entitled to FREE entry and queue jump (for two) every night of the year (except Mondays).
2) Anyone who’s anyone has a Gold Card. For those striving to BNOC status, a Gold Card is the ultimate catalyst.
3) Owning one makes you INSTANTLY more attractive to the opposite sex.
4) Because you didn’t pay entry (and because drinks are ridiculously cheap anyways) you’ll have enough money left over to indulge in a Chic-o-Land or Manzils AND get a taxi home.
5) They’re really helpful for getting rid of the bubbles on iPhone screen protectors.
Getting a Gold Card isn’t the only thing you HAVE to do at Jesters, check out our ultimate Jesters bucket list here.
I’d like to ask the Tab writers & editors to disclose any benefits they may have recieved from Jesters.