Author Archive


Megan Sherman

Megan Sherman

28 articles

I'm 22 years old, studying Modern History & Politics.

Jeremy Kyle: No Harmless Student Pastime
That’s right Jez, keep shouting, that’ll get through to them!

More than once as a sixth form student, I abandoned the textbook and spent an…

The National Student Survey is useful but it’s no substitute for a true student voice
National Student Survey Logo

As the National Student Survey for 2013 launches, Megan Sherman briefly considers its importance. From…

Scrapping Trident Would be Good For Posterity
submarine firing trident missile

The argument that Trident’s renewal is necessary for security reasons is seemingly compelling; Just at…

Student Protest is Timely and Urgent
Education activists at University of London Union

Student protest has a pitiful public image as a lame, occasionally apoplectic limb that, for…

Students Interview Don Nutbeam?

Southampton Students for Education released a video on Monday, after Vice Chancellor Don Nutbeam’s failure…


At the end of last week, Southampton University’s Debating Society hosted Sam Ling (SUSU President),…

Uni VC, Don Nutbeam, Is Out of Touch With Students

Uni top dog, Don Nutbeam, needs to remember that students are at the University too.

CORRUPT Student Finance Data Leaves Many Without Cash

Bad news for some students as loans haven’t been paid.

Time to kill THE CULT OF BORIS?
boris johnson

Hilarious-Boris-Johnson-Incidents are the reliable, dependable crux of public politics in Britain. It’s become a quotidian…

The Alternative Freshers Guide to Southampton

Yesterday, we covered a selection of Soton’s nightspots in our handy guide for Freshers (which…