The classic Austin Mini, ‘Edna’, stolen just days before Christmas, has been sighted twice in Reading. 

Ben Wheldon-Bayes, third year University of Southampton Civil Engineering student whose car was stolen from outside his house during the Christmas holidays, has had some good news.

Two days ago, Ben was informed by police that his classic Austin Mini was picked up on ANPR – Automatic Number Plate Recognition (we didn’t know what that stood for either)- and later spotted by a member of the public with the number plate confirmed as matching.

Ben's Car


After his first Facebook post to find his car went viral with over 36,000 shares, there had been still no sign of Edna. Until now, it was assumed the car had been broken down and sold for parts.

Both sightings were in the Caversham area of Reading, close to where the Mini was originally stolen.

Ben has appealed to Facebook once more with this update, asking:

 If people in the Reading area and further afield could keep an eye out (and the other eye on the road), I would be so grateful!

His second post has already had a respectable 32 shares.

A reminder of little Edna

A reminder of little Edna

The whole story has turned into quite an ordeal for Ben. He said:

I’ve also accepted over 150 random adds in the hope that one of them leads to information that will return my car home. However this has so far proven unfruitful, with a strange man from India getting a bit obsessed with me and a young school girl just wanting a chat.

The vintage car is a classic 30 year-old brown Austin Mini with the registration B335 EDA. It went missing sometime between 6.30pm and 2am on 21st December 2014.

If you know anything about the whereabouts of Edna, email us at


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  • poor boy

    Is the editor and Ben Well done Babes smashing pissers or what?

    This double barrelled posh boy does not deserve the profile this website is giving him. His car was stolen boo hoo!

    I mean come on “Well done babes” the pinnacle of naff nicknames. Stop stealing my oxygen!



    Shut up you arse


    Ben Wheldon-Bayes

    What the fuck is wrong with you? This is a media outlet trying to create content, I get that but if you notice I haven’t given any input to this article cause I’m sick of pricks like you that hide behind the anonymity of the Tab comments section. I was asked for a quote, to which I replied “the whole situation is quite distracting given i have exams so id prefer it if there wasn’t any more articles if thats cool?” however the article had already been posted and it’s really doing no harm to anyone except you

    Why are you even reading this article given how little interest you have? By commenting and viewing this you are encouraging the tab to post more content like this – tabloid journalism thrives on controversy.

    I’d actually really like to talk to you and understand why you have so much hatred towards me, I’m a pretty amicable person. Perhaps you’d get some satisfaction from knowing comments like yours have made me change my outlook on life. I’ve realised how my comments and behaviour towards people I’ll never encounter again, be that in person or online, can have a lasting impact on them. I don’t envy people who spark much more controversial debate, it’s unimaginable how much they must be bought down by the things people say about them. Please, please, please think before you speak and consider the implications of your actions.



    The fact that a stolen Mini is getting a lot of coverage is a good thing as it’s happening far too much. Ignore this dick who thinks the coverage is not due. They’re more than cars, they’ve got personality and no one deserves to have something they have a bond with to be taken away. Really hope you get it back mate, hopefully these people can finally be stopped at some point.
