Continuing on our chats with the sports captains in the lead up to Varsity, we spoke to Joe Welton, the President of Southampton’s Football Club. 


Whats your club nick name? Congo balls

Degree subject: BSc Politics

Position in the club: President

Three words to describe you: Bobble Hat Enthusiast

Your most embarrassing moment at Soton? Losing to Pompey at Varsity two seasons ago.

What makes Football different to other clubs? Our Stash.

Describe a typical social night out. Wednesdays -> Archers RIP – Kelly’s – Oceana

What’s he most outrageous thing that has happened on a social? Michael McConnell once sang a rendition of ‘Backstreet Boys – Everybody’ in Kelly’s”

What are your kits like?

Wednesdays – Team Southampton Under Armour Maroon/Dark Blue.

Saturdays – Adidas Cobalt Blue/Red

Socials – Black Trousers, White Shirt, Blue club tie


Three reasons why freshers should join this year: You will make your best mates. You’ll have your fondest memories. We are affiliated to Southampton Football Club.

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