We’ve only been back at uni a matter of days but a student house in Highfield has already been burgled. 

The targeted house on Shaftesbury Avenue was burgled between 11:36pm and 11:41pm on 22 September.

Shaftsbury Avenue


It is suspected that the intruder got into the house by placing his arm through a small open window in a downstairs bedroom, forcing open a larger window below, and climbing through.

During the break in, all of the residents were in the house, but the occupant was not in her bedroom at the time of entry.

The window through which the burglar entered

The window through which the burglar entered

On entering a bedroom upstairs, and waking up a tenant, the intruder proceeded to exit and then access another bedroom. He was then disturbed by a tenant’s friend, who was grabbed and pushed out of the room.  A laptop was snatched before the burglar made a quick jump out of a top bedroom window.

Where the burglar jumped from to escape

Where the burglar jumped from to escape

The burglar has been described as a male between 5’9 and 5’11, wearing a dark hoodie.

Someone in the house rang the police as soon as they noticed the laptop had been stolen.  The police immediately searched the area but couldn’t find the suspect.

CSI have taken fingerprints and shoe prints from the entry and exit points. They have said students should be particularly aware during the Freshers’ period as this is a notorious time for burglaries.

Finger prints

One of the tenants of the house told the Soton Tab:

It’s a terrifying experience. We’ve since been on Immobilise and registered our valuables

This is likely that this will be one of many burglaries. Check out these tips to keeping your house as safe as possible.

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